The success of this animal is not allowed to discuss it. It is what it is, by his senses. Barbarize because you can, because demand is strong, stick because the others are loose. And in this moral area, ranging from bullying to the imbecility Satin rattling, brothers identified the Soviet dictator with the guild and the empire. Puppies from the same litter. But behold, where stands an anarchist is always a dictator come to the floor. A mathematician. A word to say, and the iron scaffolding dismantled and falls. Therefore, instinctively, at first instinct is to dictators that they leave and be quiet.
But this can not be partners. The world goes up for hours to a level of clarity and culture. We all want to know, explain, be aware. Anarchists were not to be down this lump of life to light. They talk, they reason, give their ideas too. Your ideas ... How some fear! And the dictator more than anyone, is fortified against them until the skin of their teeth, and is not given, nor that, for sure. And it is brave and bold and strong, usually. It could achieve a bull with one punch, run over an army with a bare chest, pick up a pump in his handkerchief with the fuse burning. But - please, damn it - that does not come to reason or explain things. Is above all his courage that. He is a kind of action, born to tidy up all that is stirred. For who knows what divine paths, he pulled down his inspiration to organize, organize. And you, instead of walking around, chatting, which has to do is give life to make him fix it on two kicks.
Moreover, what do you want? ... Would not have said it a thousand times? ... Its mandate is transient: a sacrifice of which he is the first to want to escape. But first, let the strike succeeds, bourgeoisie or double, or the state will collect. Are already falling. No hassles! However, this is historical, all the dictators had to get them kicked, clubbed or shot from over his dictatorship. They do not want long plus once caught. I always needed to detail, a light touch of genius - eh! Oh! Ah - in his monumental work.
The dictator is a pessimistic view of the freedom of others. Does not understand more than through their profligacy. Do not think - what's going to believe, if he is not romantic, or dumb, or retarded! - That she could cure his madness to the mad. And so, more or less, or more than less-the animal inside. Is your animal out: the dictatorship imposed. Black or white or red.
From what plasma under the cuffs to what turns on the front, everything is thinking. Thought. Worker, poet or sage, which is why you think or believe. And that's where things are going well. But then comes the other: trade or the fate of these works or creations, and here begins stupid. In this and the operator does not intervene, but the parasite, not the one who always did everything, but he has never done anything: politics. Although
say has not done nothing, perhaps a lot. Viewed from another angle, from which it is useless, it is true that a champion is thinking and doing, all that can be done against those who produce, to reduce it to nothing. Through his work champion, in any order or scheme have the man of science, neither the artist nor the worker. Do you know any one part where they tell you something? ... As do not have their sorrows, miseries and humiliations ... To organize the world only has him politically.
Is it a technician? ... No! The technique, even the crime, it is thought. Is thinking. Fulmine Shuffle or lightning, you will assemble or disassemble the machine life is hand to service brain. And my slandered, no! As this is a cripple, did not lift a finger ever. But administrative and legislative.
From the root of the earth to the top of the sky, rehenchido is the universe as a tree, these three powerful saps: science, art, work. It would seem that those who have raised their breath from so low to so high should also know how to organize the world of their physical relationships, moral and intellectual. And they do not know. He who knows is political.
Is not this stupid? ... Ah, very stupid! Stupid to make laugh.
offenders Are they good or bad? ... What does it matter that to us, guys? ... This doubt that the judge should consider, and never arises, has to be overcome for us, absorbed in the flame of passion for our vindication: they are victims.
Without falling into sentimentality against which make it illegal, we can say that they are always better than punishing them. "Tables to optimize it? ... If one could apply, should be this: the so-called offender is more humane than the caretaker, the dog unless the commissioner, the beast still less his boss and, finally, the latter never as rogue as President of the republic or the king of the kingdom.
who embodies the power, embodies the damage. Others are simple degrees, links in a chain that ends in a ring that tightens the neck fell lower. This makes the spending orgy of blood and tears in the others gorged with his miserable life shackled.
This is the victim, but not only of the pain inflicted upon the wicked, but also those "honest men" who have dishonored them all legal. This is the recantation to be singing against criminals. All Puritan anarchist although it is said, is at heart a legalitario, as any woman who is vain of his chastity soul, is basically a bourgeois. The capital of virtue, as the bourgeois, gold, is made from the misfortunes of his sisters, is this mud infectious feeding your beautiful plant, the flower of delicate purity.
The offender is stripped of his honor, the prostitute is deprived of his virtuous love. An anarchist against them can never wonder if they are good or bad, but to attract the focus of their claims against the bourgeoisie and against the bourgeois. Allocation and distribution of all, whether here in the world of crime, missing many virtues, it is because those who persecute you, and worse yet, the Puritans, envelopes, to corrupt the soul. Women
fall befada of all, if would be a table for valorizarte, we would say you are always more humane than a virgin slut like this is less than a nun, as this is never so corrupt feelings as a president or a queen. Your sap is falling in the mud that nourishes the plants. You're a stripped. Whoever touches you touches the prey. Who is man has to help erguirte against the dispossessed. In truth, we dishonor many things in us, if we honor the true justice. Without this we will never understand either the dishonored. Less legal virtues, more militant anarchist!
Democracy-in the political sense of rule by the people, aims to make the law a prime symbol. As a believer in God, wants you to believe in the law, you will live to the law and without leaving the law. Do not you reach a ...? Here are ten or a hundred, or thousand, and all straightened to submit to the law. Meets the law!
A philosophy which does not pass the law is a philosophy of servitude. What is prescribed is that the man should lose a right. At this rate, if tomorrow, as in the days of Herod, was born male illegal, would not more, than to do. Or wait for the executioner.
So we are: open only to the future the law, and their indoctrinators and applicators. Everything to them and her. And no, or fewer, truth itself, justice itself, life, in short, for what is, in itself, is affirmation and drive. The law does nothing to measure, weight, size and enacted. Meets the law!
O calls. Ask your representatives who will reform the law. Requests ... And then instead of one, you need ten or a hundred, or thousand. A full five-year plan.
Brothers, a philosophy which does not pass the law, is a philosophy of servitude. And democracy is. Stand up against the law. It violates the law! And in you the law is enforced.
The question is not achieving the sense or the knowledge of the social complex. Or keep up in politics or art, or in one or many sciences. Those are other issues. It may be elementary as a child, or just as a wild, however, want what is ultimately, always first: freedom. Be free.
The anarchist does not flow or taboo or the stupid genius. Or vote for one or vetoes it. He knows that the most helpless of light and courage in their blood also bears, sprouted grains, a golden dream: to be free. Freedom.
Freedom ... Being free ... I do not know what happens eternal and pleasant by the human heart when a slave stands to tell his tyrant Let's see freedom here! It's over and your servant, now I'm free!
Every time this happens, something stirs and crops in humanity. Skeptical old, exhausted, he feels reborn somewhere you the buttons of his youthful vigor. It is because freedom is a force wings shakes us and takes us back from all depths.
And it's good that must be conquered, just by the individual by the people. She, like life, says: Take me! Poséeme! I not only to the brave, I want to and dare.
Weak and apesebran fit. And just vegetate: a little love, a little dignity, a little grass. On these are not Reah and the fervor or the nature of the species. Are the marshy waters, without self flow, which would free man should be removed with rods, bravely.
Not to be corny. To make a point not to get caught up in politics or in art, in one or many sciences. Those are other issues. The first is to overthrow this: tyranny and the tyrant, and since it means to be free. First: freedom.
INTERVIEW TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS was the main agitator in the largest theater strike in Argentina's history. Writer, playwright and speaker. Creator of "Theater of Ideas."
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