Friday, September 17, 2010

Diagram Of Cellulitis


Six characters had their role in this civil war with international meddling. Six characters who ran different fate: cautious, a winning one, intermediate, secundón, imperialist failed, three of them, and finally, a tragic loser. Two English, two Mexicans and two others. Prim, Juarez, Bending, Serrano, Napoleon III and Maximilian of Hapsburg.

Reus, Tarragona, 1814 / 1870, Madrid
very charismatic in the Spain of the mid-nineteenth century. Very young he joined the army to fight in the First Carlist War , winning two prizewinners. Initially, progressive liberal, and their economic differences with Espartero ended in the field of moderates, including participating in the derrocamineto the Regent in 1843. Promoted to brigadier, I just also faced Narváez. Two Progressive In (1854-1856) a captain general of Granada, defeating the Rif at the gates of Melilla, which made him lieutenant general. In the years of government O'Donnell became the Liberal Union , reaching its greatest moments of military glory and in full popular charisma. In Morocco 1859-60 war was the winner Castillejos and Wad Ras , entering the square victorious in Morocco in Tetuan.

General Prim in the Moroccan war
(Battle of Castillejos, by Fortuny).
was commissioned in 1861 to resolve this crisis as his marriage to Mexican Francisca Agüero, niece of a Mexican banker and his contacts with politicians Juaristas. In 1862 he landed in Veracruz in adverse conditions troops. Therefore signed the Convention of La Soledad and prudent withdrawal of Mexico to the criticism in Spain. His prudence avoided falling into the trap of Napoleon III.
return to Spain, he joined the Progressive Party again in the spirit decided to overthrow Elizabeth II, starting from the time a series of conspiracies frustrated (especially the June 1866 and ended up fleeing to Portugal before the mass shooting headquarters of the sergeants of Madrid's San Gil) to the ultimate triumph of Cadiz in September 1868.
After organizing the new democratic regime in the Constitution of 1869 and the implementation of the new monarchy in the person of Amadeo I of Savoy, was assassinated in Madrid in a street attack in the December 27, 1870 without being discovered her murderers.
a tireless fighter AND WINNER: BENITO JUAREZ
Oaxaca 1806 / 1872, Mexico City
is the major figure in Mexican history with a number of monuments in his honor all over the country . His childhood was very hard for young orphans and deprivation. Learned of the humiliation of being Indian. Protected by a monk, he could learn to read and write and craft bookbinder. His law degree allowed him to be an advocate for poor Indian farmers in Oaxaca city. Was slowly climbing in local politics. In 1847, with forty-one years gets to be deputy, arriving at Mexico City. For his criticism of General Santa Anna was imprisoned in Veracruz (1853), in the fortress of San Juan de Ulua . Soon he escaped to Cuba and then English, then on to New Orleans.
back to Mexico in 1855 as Minister of Justice. Passed a law against the privileges of the military and clergy. But reaches its peak in 1858 when Mexico's president during the civil war. He is the president wandering.
in 1859 nationalized the assets of the clergy (the Mexican equivalent the confiscation of Mendizábal in Spain in 1836). However, as noted, the continued violence and civil war led to a substantial foreign debt led to a long war against the European powers, espcially against France, and a civil war.

Benito Juárez, a leading figure in Mexican history.

After entering the event Querétaro ( execution of Maximilian in 1867), succeeded triumphantly into Mexico City as the new president. After settling in Mexico secular education, renewed the charge in 1871. Conservatives not stood still and, with Porfirio Diaz in the conspiracies, was ousted by coup. Died shortly (1872).

Guanajuato, 1818 / 1865, New York.
A graduate in law served as foreign minister in the government of Juarez in 1861-62. Before he had reached the governor of your state, as well as combining it with the military. To be responsible in a crisis with the three European powers managed to negotiate the Convention of La Soledad (1862) getting the withdrawal of the English and British breaking the unity and leaving just the French expedition.

Manuel Bent, the minister who managed to break the covenant of the three European countries

Cádiz, 1810 / 1885, Madrid.
liberal son of a soldier in Cortes de Cádiz of 1812, began his military carrrera Carlist War, which reached up to brigadier and win the Laureate. In his political life was an opportunist, a true chameleon, so they joined the Progressive Party and the Moderate to the Liberal Union, according to joint of time. As a good opportunist and selfish, was an outspoken opponent of Prim, especially in this crisis. Came to be intimate with the same Queen Elizabeth II, which was his "general nice " preferred it in the reign of continual crisis. During this mini
Mexican War was the captain general of Cuba (1859-1862) added considerably to the slave trade. In this position Prim lambasted for his early withdrawal from Mexico, and the landing at Veracruz precipitate without waiting for the arrival of this. I could not bear to be the secundón of this crisis that would rival high up.
The Genaral Serrano: Prim and envious of the "chameleon" political.
His great "feat" was the dismantling of the failed conspiracy of Prim and immediate mass shooting of the sergeant's Madrid headquarters of San Gil in 1866. The queen therefore appointed him Duke of La Torre with greatness of Spain.
Two years later, as an example of political chameleon, recently lost his political chief, General O'Donnell, passed the anti-Elizabethan side. In 1868, after the triumph of the Revolution of September , was regent until the arrival of the new King Amadeo I. In 1873, during the months of the First Republic , fled to France, where he conspired to overthrow the coup by General Pavia (January 4, 1874), introducing his personal dictatorship to Sagunto coup which saw the restoration of the dynasty of Alfonso XII . It sidelined him for the new regime despite recognize him as king. Alfonso was "stalled" your chameleon. He died in Madrid in the heart of oblivion, former star of the Elizabethan reign.
Paris, 1808 / 1873, London.
Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew , Raised in exile (Switzerland, Germany and Italy) after the overthrow of his famous uncle after the battle of Waterloo . Between 1848 and 1851, with the familiar charm of his name, was in charge of dismantling the achievements of the democratic revolution of January, becoming the president of the French Republic II. In 1852, after a military coup, declared himself emperor of France in the footsteps of his uncle. II was born on the French Empire , characterized by the attempt to bring the country into a career continents otors imperialist interventions in European countries: Africa, Asia, America (especially Mexico), Italian unity. This Italian intervention (in which the question was involved indirectly English monarchy) led to its end in the 187th to the Prussian army feared Bismarck (battle of Sedan and Metz). Maximilian abandoned to their fate after realizing the failure of his intervention in 1867.
Napoleon III, the flamboyant nephew and Bonaparte emulator

A TRAGIC LOSER: Maximilian of Hapsburg
Vienna, 1832 / 1867, Querétaro.
arrived in Veracruz in 1864 as Emperor of Mexico, emulating his patron Napoleon III and the distant and Iturbide. Their fate was the same as the Mexican, overthrow and quick pass through the arms. High level of culture, tried to win over his new compatriots from the outset.
Maximilian of Hapsburg, desgaciado.
opened in Mexico City Paseo de la Reforma and settled in Chapultepec Castle as an imperial residence. Attempted to implement a good reform program, facing even the French military and the Mexican conservatives who supported him. Recurda something to paper that attempted Joseph Bonaparte in Spain during the War of 1808. He failed in this endeavor to become popular and ephemeral cointinua reign was war.
could have fled, but decided to stay, convinced he can win the war. In 1867, the Cerro de las Campanas in Querétaro, was besieged, captured and executed, with Conservative leader Miramón. Life just so big loser in this story. His death shocked all of Europe's refusal to pardon Juárez, in a notice of possible future interventions.

Execution of Maximilian, by Renoir.


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