Sufism (Arabic: تصوف, tasawwuf, Persian Sufi صوفیگری gari) is the mystical and contemplative of Islam. Practitioners of Sufism, known as Sufis or Sufi, seeking a direct relationship with God through songs, music and dance. Sufism is the term used to describe a large group of current and practices. According to the major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Sufism is regarded as a heretical movement, having been, therefore, persecuted countless times throughout history .
becomes difficult to define the concept of ontological anarchism, since it is a way to face reality, where theories are not required to close on themselves, but actions that tend to rob the man of modern preconceptions. Ontological anarchism is an overt challenge to modern society, where I is tested to see if you are able to question certain behaviors and thoughts that are expressed mechanically. Your host is what Hakim Bey calls "poetic terrorism", a deep abruptly but reject the conventions of organized society about illusions. In the spiritual crisis that affects mainly the West offers a psychic nomadism Hakim Bey, a return to Paleolithic symbolic being more realistic than the latter. As he says, "wanted the transmutation of rebellious gold-trash culture." His main phrase is "Chaos never died," where for him would be the place where freedom is lived in full, while the Order is the presentation of a series of political, social, cultural, educational, law enforcement; itself, limits to the mind that must have full freedom in nature. The current Order, merely imprison putting man above, the laws of a civilization that is stopped in time, to freeze and kill the Spirit. Bey tells us that the Chaos is defeated by young gods, moralists, priests, bankers, men who want slaves and not free men. Tracker not very orthodox Sufi groups, raises the spiritual jihad, rebellion against modern civilization. social control model posed by Hakim Bey, is the gang, the group of robbers who have their own law. That is the meaning of Paleolithic, the band of hunters and gatherers who roamed the forests and deserts of an ancient land godless tyrants.
few years ago, premiered a film in which one of its producers, was influenced by the writings of this author. The movie was called "The Fight Club" which describes a submissive man and moral economic system, which poses a mental breakdown that led him to create a real world where he could be outside the system attacking, making fun of it continuously .
This leads us to study the contribution we consider the most interesting of the works of Hakim Bey: TAZ concept, ie the Temporary Autonomous Zone.
temporary autonomous zone (TAZ)
to Hakim Bey, the question of a Revolution involves a process of transformation which is of a chaotic situation to a new Order, but, an Order to end. The writer tells us: "How is that upended everyone always ends up straightening and why any revolution is always a reaction, as a season in hell?". Thus, an Order in the Kali Yuga, would return to a form of conservatism decadent. Involves the initial frustration of revolutionary ideals, to the natural reactions of those who want to return things to normal causes, out of CHAOS. HB
uses the terms "rebellion", "revolt" and "insurrection", which would "A moment that jumps over time, which violates the" law "of history." In this case, we are very close to evoliano concept of "magical idealism."
Rounding out these ideas: as the Revolution is a process from chaos to a specific computer, the rebellion raised by HB is temporary: it is an extra-ordinary act, which seeks to change the world and do not adapt to it, seeking utopia live and not settle for a half order.
But if there is no specific order to be created by the ontological anarchists, whence part of the rebellion and return where it once unleashed? HB there speaks of the TAZ, Temporary Autonomous Zones, which is a physical place that allows just a development of inner freedom. It should be clarified that the TAZ is not an abstract concept but a real and historical .. but this always wanted to demonstrate outside of history.
One of the examples is HB is the pirate utopia. Mentioned mainly the period between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In America, the Caribbean is known for its history of pirates, and the author speaks of the famous Turtle Island was the refuge of the pirate ships and all these directions offender who journeyed far from civilization. It was an island in northern Haiti, 180 km. Square, with a sea surrounded by sharks. On the island, there was any authority, laws, commercial codes, taxes, and everything to what we are today subjected to belong to a particular social system. $ They were able to create a system outside the system, ie, an anti-system, CHAOS , where ontological anarchism could find cause for its development. If we talk about people who made up the pirate ships, find that they were of different races: black, white, Asian, different religions, different education and social class of which were destitute: they were all equal, but not a collectivist equality but war.
This TAZ, Temporary Autonomous Zone that was the Isla de la Tortuga did not last many years, and this is precisely the characteristic of the TAZ, their limitation in time, that according to HB at best, can last the life of a person, no more than that, since the system will go in their quest to destroy . Let's see how the author defines the TAZ:
"The TAZ is like an uprising which does not engage with the State, a guerrilla operation which liberates an area - land, time, imagination, and then dissolves itself to be reconstructed in any other place or time, before the State can crush it. "
is the strategy of the barricade, that when this comes to be destroyed, is abandoned, and raised elsewhere. Is the field Internet, where one enters to criticize the system through a web page, and when it falls, reappears elsewhere.
But, on to the historical examples that HB uses to describe his concept of TAZ. In this case, we quote an entire paragraph, with the objective of enabling them to appreciate all the vulgar elements, artistic, esoteric poetic thinker who seems to blend reality with fantasy, utopia and the occult. This form of writing, which as stated above, he has defined as "poetic terrorism"
Therefore, from the experiments of the interwar period I will concentrate if not mad Republic of Fiume, which is much less known and not organized for last. "
Gabriele D'Annunzio
, decadent poet, artist, musician, esthetician, playboy, aviation pioneer bold, black magician genius and cad, emerged from World War I as a hero with a small army at his command: the "Arditi." A lack of adventure, he decided to capture the city of Fiume from Yugoslavia and give it to Italy. After a necromantic ceremony with his mistress in a cemetery in Venice he set out to conquer Fiume, and succeeded without any problems. But Italy turned down his generous offer, Prime Minister called him a fool. "
In a huff, D'Annunzio decided to declare independence and see how long he could get away with it. Next to one of his anarchist friends wrote the Constitution, which declared music as the foundation central state. Members of the Navy (deserters and Milanese anarchist maritime unionists) named themselves the Uscochi, in honor of the vanished pirates who once lived on islands off the coast preyed on Venetian and Ottoman. The modern Uscochi succeeded in some wild coups: several rich Italian merchant vessels suddenly gave the Republic a future: money in the coffers! artists, bohemians, adventurers, anarchists (D'Annunzio corresponded with Malatesta), fugitives and expatriates, homosexuals, military dandies (the uniform was black with pirate skull and later stolen by the SS) and crank reformers of every kind (including Buddhists, Theosophists and Vedantists) began to show up at Fiume in droves. The party never stops. Every morning D'Annunzio read poetry and manifestos from his balcony every evening a concert, then fireworks. This was all government activity. Eighteen months later, when they finished the wine and the money and the Italian fleet was introduced, persist and flew a few shells into the city hall, and had no strength to resist. "
(...). In some ways the last of the pirate utopias (or the only modern example), in other ways, perhaps, was quite possibly the first modern TAZ."
Poetic Terrorism
Unlikely DANCES at ATMs at night. Illegal fireworks displays. Land art, works strange land and alien artifacts scattered around the parks. Allana houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone & make happy. Pick someone at random and Convince him to be the heir to an enormous, useless and amazing fortune-say 5000 hectares in the Antarctic, or an old circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical manuscripts. At the end eventually realize that for a moment believed in something extraordinary, and perhaps will find as a result led to a more intense mode of existence. Install brass commemorative plaques in places (public and private) that have experienced a revelation or had a sexual experience particularly rewarding, etc. Go naked as a sign.
called a strike in your school or place of work on the grounds that not satisfy your needs of indolence and spiritual beauty. Graffiti art loaned some grace to the laid underground metro, and rigid public monuments, the TP can also be created for public places: poems scrawled in courthouse lavatories, small fetishes abandoned in parks and restaurants, art photocopies under the wipers of parked cars, Big Character Slogans pasted on the walls of the playground, anonymous letters mailed to random or known recipients (mail fraud), pirate radio transmissions, wet cement ...
reaction or aesthetic shock caused by the TP at the hearing must be at least as intense as the excitement of self-loathing pervasive terror, sexual arousal, superstitious awe, anguish dadaesca a sudden intuitive break, no matter if the TP is directed to one or many people, no matter if you "signed" or anonymous, if not transform someone's life (aside from the artist) is not working. PT is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows or seats, or localities, or walls. In order to work at all, PT must categorically disassociate any conventional structure of art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the tactics Situationist guerrilla street theater become too familiar and predictable.
An exquisitely seduction carried out not only for the sake of mutual satisfaction but also as a conscious act in a deliberately beautiful life-may be the final TP. The terrorist P behaves like a trickster whose aim is not money but CHANGE. Do not do PT for other artists, do it for people who do not repair (at least for a moment) that you have done is art. Avoid recognizable art categories, avoid politics, do not stay to argue, do not be sentimental, be ruthless, take risks, practice vandalism only what is to be defaced, do something children can remember for a lifetime-but do not be spontaneous unless you possess TP muse. Dress. Leave a false name. Is legendary. The best PT is against the law, but do not get caught. Art as crime, crime as art.
SOURCE: The prayer of a pagan
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