Sunday, September 26, 2010

Holly Willoughby Fake Nightmare

Documentary Casas Viejas, 5 years of squatting and self

Francisco Ferrer Guardia Viva Modern School is a documentary dedicated to the biography of Francisco Ferrer i Guardia the Modern School. Describes the life of the Catalan educator who founded a revolutionary school because of his educational methodology, which relied on a positivist teaching where reason, through observation and experimentation. It replaced the superstitions and the student was not subject to any authority or decision-making test. With this method, Ferrer, wanted to illustrate a society without class distinctions or sex, promoting community values \u200b\u200band solidarity. Ferrer i Guardia was executed, the Modern School-still-closed posteior its resurgence. He was born a myth, a libertarian martyr. sensitized the international public opinion about the impact of the work of Ferrer, raised his voice against the event. In 1911, a review of the process, Ferrer i Guardia was acquitted.
Many intellectuals of the time participated actively in the educational project through lectures, translations or publications by the publisher of Modern School, and soon had a major expansion.
His confrontation with the Catholic Church and the decisive attack of Mateo Morral, librarian and student at the school, ended Ferrer's dream of a free way to illustrate the backward English society, which had more than educational gaps.
His advocacy of peaceful means to achieve universal peace through a revolutionary change of society, were interpreted as a means of opposing violent agitation and attempted against church and state. was acquitted in his accusation about the backpack attack at the wedding of Alfonso XIII, but schools were closed having to continue their work from the publisher. The events of the Tragic Week in Barcelona and the treachery of the opportunist Lerroux ended the accusation without evidence, the death sentence and subsequent execution in Montjuic Ferrer become a scapegoat, tried by a military tribunal.
Both his family, like many colleagues and friends were banished and deprived of their property.
Technical Sheet:

Format: Flv

Language: English (Spain)

Quality: DVDrip

Links: 1
Weight: 108 mbs
: Google Docs
Duration: 50 minutes Source


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