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Anarcoperonistas "?
For - Saturday, Sep. 22, 2007 at 6:46 PM @
Anarcoperonistas "?
A Angelita Sánchez Lobato, and all anarchists who fought the Peronist regime For starters, anarchism is mines, this means that a so-called "anarchists" and does not carry the name of any person, because it considers all men and women as equals, without placing either over others.
Then we must remember how Juan Domingo Peron "the first worker" was killing workers at the call Tragic Week of 1919, the repression unleashed by the strike of workers in the workshops Vasenao For those who cast doubt on this information, you may refer to sources that presents Luis Alberto Romero on the matter.
Fourth, we can cite the well-known support of Peron's dictatorship Uriburu military and later the Fair, as these two soldiers shot the anarchists Joaquin Penina in Rosario, Paul Severino Di Giovanni and Scarfó in Buenos Aires, or rounded up and deported thousands of anarchists, not to mention the poor anarchist Vuotto Pascual, Santiago Inmate Mainini and Diago, called "prisoners of Bragado, who spent years in prison for a crime he did not commit. This happened during the rule of Right, a friend of Peron, as well as the processes to the Federación Obrera Regional Argentina
How not to mention the friendship of General Peron EIBI C. Anaya, that famous shot in workers in the Patagonian strikes, who, like Perón, he was part of the officers who carried out the military coup in 1943 and later became a personal friend of another dictator, Juan Carlos Ongania.
also remember that phrase of Augustine P. Just, the friend of Peron, who as minister of war, after the bombing of the anarchist Kurt Wilckens, said in front of reporters: "This will not go unpunished, the punishment is exemplary", referring the attack that killed the German anarchist Lieutenant Colonel Varela, one repressor that shot was responsible for more than 1,500 anarchists strikes south between 1921 and 1922. And indeed, the punishment was "exemplary" because Kurt Wilckens be killed in prison.
But entering what were the Peronist governments, we can not fail to mention that Peron was the 1st of May, that date originated long before the military (when that day in 1886, were hanged several anarchists ask 8 hours work) a date of carnival and celebration, and choripán locro where the queen was elected May 10, taking away from this day his content and brave fighting, so many dead were brought to want to remember in Argentina in 1904, 1905 and 1909, mostly.We can not overemphasize the admiration he had Peron by the regime of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini
, the same as saying Everything for the State, all for the State, nothing outside the State
, Perón phrase copy and modify to
Everything within the law, nothing outside the law . Mussolini And not only copied his words, also took its takeover of the unions and bureaucracy in order to control and autonomy and fighting them out.
Russian communist dictatorship Peronism also take their five-year plans to regulate the economy. Peronism had nothing to do with trade unionism of the early twentieth century, it was valiant, battled for the class struggle, was an atheist, horizontal and internationalist Peronism, however, is Catholic, militarist, nationalist, vertical, and fight for the reconciliation of classes.
Perón admired Mussolini not only but also, and above all, General Primo de Rivera, English dictator from 1923 to 1930. Perón admired AdolfHitler also one of the worst criminals in the history of mankind, and whose hierarchy survivors gave clandestine entry to Argentina, with all the necessary documentation to go unnoticed for decades. He was a friend of the Paraguayan dictator Stroessner, claimed regimes like Somoza in Nicaragua and Batista in Cuba. And when it was Argentina who gave political asylum to Juan Domingo Perón? Nothing more and nothing less than Francisco Franco, the "Generalissimo" who killed and mowed down half of Spain, thousands and thousands of anarchists, socialists and republicans during decades of dictatorship. and Peron was the poor exile as they wanted to see then montoneros with his paper "The Descamisado" because during his stay in Spain Peron was one of the residential neighborhoods of Madrid.
Not to mention Eva Peron, the one that was received by Francisco Franco with all the honors, which appeared in photos with their fur coats greeting the English criminal and talking about his "shirtless." That was the same Eva Peron branded as "crazy" anarchists, who would say, "Peron does not strike you, dammit." not forget that Perón maintained the Residence Act, enacted in 1902 that only anarchist immigrant workers to drive s, which was repealed only in the government of Frondizi, when there were almost no anarchists remained alive or outside prisons.
Not to mention the incredible rationalist schools created by the anarchists in early twentieth century, to educate children freely, which will then be replaced by "Evita loves me" on the boards of state schools.I forget the attack against the former Peronist
Emile Zola Library, founded by the anarchists, and at gunpoint was taken over by thugs Peronist, later to become a basic unit of the Peronist Party. Faced with this library in 1923 and in full strike following the murder of Kurt Wilckens
, anarchists had shot the police.
Not to mention the graphics Rosario workers, who were evicted from its premises by the CGT, the main Peronist, and thereafter had to meet in a bar on Calle San Martín and San Lorenzo of the city. After the strike chart of 1949, many of the graphics were captured.
Moreover, one can not ignore the link between Peron and his second wife, Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, Jose Lopez Rega, the maximum criminal figure who rose from being a mere police after leading Argentina's Anti-Communist Alliance
(since at that place the same finger Perón), grouping vigilante who killed hundreds of students, intellectuals, politicians, workers, actors, etc.
And it was Perón who ascended to the commissioner Fernández Bazán, the same as in 1936, anarchists killed Miguel Archangel Roscigno, and Andrés Vázquez Malvicini Fernando Paredes, throwing them to the bottom of the Rio de la Plata with weight on your feet, a method known "Law Bazán," which then generalize the '70s. and we said then that in 1946, Peron's rise to this criminal deputy head of the Federal Police, and later fulfilled his dream as a diplomat by giving a charge of government. Cimazo Jacinto, the militant anarchist, sums up to Peronism as follows: absolute Submission to the CGT, military-style five-year plan, militarization of the childhood state monopoly of foreign trade, religious instruction in schools; financial centralization in the hands of the Central Bank, the subjugation of the universities, government monopoly of propaganda radiotelephone; action nationalist gangs with impunity, subjugation of the press and violent campaigns
And then continues: destruction and persecution of independent labor unions; radio censorship, sabotage email to the press and opposition propaganda; prohibition of strikes and order to produce at maximum, process for contempt.
And there's more: increasing dominance of the Church, the rise of nationalism in public dealings, virtual alliance with the Franco regime ..., etc, etc.
Luis Danussi , another militant anarchist , defines
Peronism as demagoguery, corruption on a collective level planned by the government that drove the economy discretion, and the repression that knew no limits to crush the protesters but later appeared to grant official channels, as an act of grace and programmed thanks to the 'humble' his benefactor. All this while the militants were eliminated more conscious and dignified, like one way, among many others, to accomplish the total extinction of hardened spirit that traditionally encouraged our working class. He adds later: itself fascistic Peronist phenomenon originated in the barracks where they incubated the GOU, who believed in the triumph of the Nazis when the labor movement was struggling for his defeat ...
Franchotti Anarchists like Mario, will be pursued during the national railroad strike of 1951. This fellow managed to evade the police because the journalist and lawyer David Kraiselburd, who on July 17, 1974 will killed by Montoneros. Fellow anarchistsRafael Grinfeld scientist will be expelled from the university. Grinfeld loses his post as director of the Institute of Physics, University of La Plata, for not adhering to Peronism.
By 1943, the anarchist Prince James notes how the United Officers Group (GOU), which belonged Perón among others, continued to maintain relations with the Nazis, following the Nazi-Fascist policy of President Castillo, who had ruled before the coup 1943. [
]workers will be maritime and naval port of the most battle the Peron regime, and will all suffer the unions that the Law of Professional Associations, made of Italian fascism and applied in Argentina by Peron, who, among other things, gives legal recognition is only the union monopoly controlled by the state, ignoring any attempt to make another parallel union free of the union bureaucracy, already born. That was the law that encouraged unionism payment, removing the worker from their environment to become a traitor in the service of capitalism. Luis Danussi recalled how at a rally in Plaza de Mayo, a prominent leader of the CGT Peron yelled: "Get dictator, my gender!". Then, as agreed Perón with Frondizi, hundreds of anarchist FORA, bakers, drivers, plumbers and cloaquistas, were arrested. Finally, I remember that Perón did not give anything to the worker (if you steal 100 and return it 25 I am not giving anything) and if you did something in terms of vote it was terrible demagogue who played with the need of the people. After far above what we can say that proclaim anarcoperonista is not only absurd, because it is totally opposite concepts, but is making fun of the thousands of anarchists, not content with his heroism in the face of Franco in Spain, the exile across the border into France where he fought in the French Resistance fighting Nazi occupation. And those who survived came to Argentina and here also had to give battle to Peronism, as the Nazis entered the country with full impunity that gave Perón, or as a criminal after Franco gave him asylum as Peron in Spain. Telling
anarcoperonista is making fun of the thousands of anarchists imprisoned, tortured, expelled during the Peron regime and the thousands of people held for years, libraries and local anarchist FORA anarchists who were burned or cornered at gunpoint by Peronist thugs.
1 - A Brief History Contemporary of Argentina, Luis Alberto Romero. Fondo de Cultura Economica. Buenos Aires, 1994.
2 - "Montoneros armed pride," Paul Giusani. Editorial Sudamericana-Planeta. Buenos Aires, 1984
3 - "La Patagonia Rebelde, Osvaldo Bayer. Volume IV. Editorial Planeta. Buenos Aires, 1997. Page 219.
- 4 - Osvaldo Bayer. Op.cit. page 205.
- 5 - "De Franco Alfonso XIII, Diego Abad de Santillán. Typesetting Editora Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1974. 6
- - Diego Abad de Santillán. Op cit. 7 - remember that "shirtless" was the name of a former anarchist paper, therefore not only usurped Peronism dates and unions but also the names of newspapers.
- 8
- - Osvaldo Bayer. Op.cit. Page 256.
- 9 - "Luis Danussi, the social and Argentine labor movement" (1938-1978) and José Jacinto Cimazo Grunfeld. Editorial Rebuild. Buenos Aires, 1981.
- 10 - "The anarchists expropriators" Osvaldo Bayer. Editorial Clippings. Montevideo, 2001.
- 11 - Excerpts taken from the newspaper "Libertarian Action" No. 97, March 1947, reproduced in turn in the book "Writings Libertarian, Cimazo Jacinto. Editorial Rebuild. Buenos Aires, 1989.
- 12 - Jacinto Cimazo and Joseph Grunfeld. Op.cit. Page 248 and 267. 13 - "A voice anarchist in Argentina" (Life and Thought of James Prince) of Cimazo Jacinto. Editorial Rebuild. Buenos Aires, 1984.
- by Juan Manuel Ferrario
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