said today a book with forty-two years old. A delightful book, both for reading, for its subject and its author. The "Half a century" historians of Master Manuel Tuñón de Lara (Madrid, 1915-Vizcaya, 1997) is already, for his years of life, a historical source of essential reading for any study of contemporary culture in our country. But, for its methodology and state of the investigaión, has a permanent present. The book is written in 1968 in this special year for Western life. Written in the place of residence Don Manuel: Pau, a refuge for exiled English culture under Franco. These symposia in the history of Spain were the main focus of this culture of exile and whose teacher was Tuñón. Go to his resume.
Half a century of English culture, 1885-1936.
Manuel Tuñón de Lara.
author's purpose of writing the history of the " Silver Age" of English culture, period, author, comes to compare or surpass that of the "Golden Age "Of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries. The definition is clear: the half century spanning from the year 1886 to 1936. The dates are significant: since the publication of The Regent the Report the doctor Vera the Social Reform Commission, or the Pact of El Pardo, among Cáovas and Sagasta, apocalyptic date in the history of Spain: 1936 and the beginning of civil war.
2.'s Spain Galdos and Clarin.
In every chapter of the book, in his notes as footnotes, profuse of course, is always in small print biography and a very comprehensive list of his works and writings of every author of that study. There is a simple manual that simple story, but its study is careful wording, almost like a test.
Try this first chapter itself, in some subjects treated by these two main authors realistic: The issue of women in The Regent of Clarín, Tristana , Torment or Fortunata and Jacinta both galdosiana, the issue of rogue, fully Galdós, anticlericalism in both writers, etc. Galdós
remains an urban writer full, especially in the geographical area the city of Madrid, while Alas "Clarín" is more descriptive of individual or collective psychology, especially that of reactionary thought fin de siecle of the Restoration regime and legislative apparatus of the Constitution of 1876.
3. Krausism and independent teaching institution.
Krausist The movement, founded by the English philosopher Julián Sanz del Río is essential in the development of English culture. The Free Educational Institution, the ILE is a continuation of that movement Krausist. The struggle against the regime restoration the difficulties imposed against this backward society. Names appear here Manuel Bartolome Cossio or Gumersindo Azcarate, among others, besides, of course, Francissco Giner de los Rios, the father of the institution.
Francisco Giner de los Rios, the architect of the ILE.
The regeneracionismo , the movement of the early twentieth century, which emerged as a medicine against the gloom of defeat of the 1898 war, to four centuries later, our American adventure, is the subject of the chapter. Parades its main author: Joaquín Costa and analysis of his work oligarchy and despotism , as well as the secondary regeneration Mallada or Lucas Macías Picavea, the young Unamuno, Basilio Paraíso, Valenti Almirall, Prat de la Riba or Joan Maragall.
Joaquin Costa, Aragonese regeneracionista.
5. Praxis and theory of the social.
The birth of English Socialist Party (PSOE ) took the chapter. The date of May 2, 1879 is central to the lives of English workers. In 1888, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the party legalized by the government of Sagasta appear the figures of Dr. Jaime Vera and typographer Galician Pablo Iglesias. Examines the report to the Commission of Social Reforms , written by Vera.
Tombstone in Casa Labra, alluding to the foundation of the PSOE in 1879.
Casa Labra today.
6. Myth and reality of group 98.
is one of the best chapters of the book. Seamlessly analyzes different authors, both primary and secondary. Addresses the general (born out of Castile, individualistic and rebellious) that characterize those writers who, more than a generation, forming the group of 98. Analyzes the cases of partuculares Machado, Unamuno intrahistory of or landscapes Azorín, including, without neglecting other authors Maeztu minors.
7. Intellectuals and chieftaincy.
Try this scourge that prevented the full modernization the country. Makes exception of Catalan, especially Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the lack of arm extension cacique in the region. Back to the topic Unamunian of "intra ."
8. Men's 14: "Spain" and Spain. Try
in this chapter, the rupture of these writers and professionals in general, breaking with the above. They are a generation that surprised by her desire vitality and in counterpoint to the pessimism of the previous generation. It is the first modern generation and European English intellectuals. Urban bourgeoisie, open to Europe, modern thinking and political ideology. Trafficking As expected by impotancia, especially Manuel Azana , José Ortega y Gasset or Ramón Pérez de Ayala . Ortega and predicts the issue of mass society. Ortega, the great philosopher who is quoted abroad.
The masterpiece of Ortega y Gasset.
9. New social impacts of fact in the cultural task.
During these years, tried to project the culture among the English classes. The creation of the New School in 1911 was the most serious real attempt this noble task. Núñez de Arenas is their great support. With its commitment to the spread of culture for the people, organized conferences, via their platforms: Julián Besteiro , Américo Castro, García Morente or Fernando de los Rios.
10. Significance of the historical period 1917-1920.
These years of the end of the First World War and the ensuing conflict, besides the birth of the Soviet Union, influenced the later years of crisis in Western democracies. This revolution in the old Tsarist Russia led the Socialist Party split: after the visit of Ferdinand Rivers to Lenin in the Soviet Union made him reconsider and sociademócrata strongly compared to the outgoing branch of the party to create the Communist Party of Spain (PCE ).
11. The elite and the man.
The study of these threatening masses of the elite who so worries Ortega, is more deeply discussed in this chapter.
12. Archaic and contemporary rebellion.
And it's the turn of the youth of 27, claiming to Gongora and culteranismo. Parade among other authors: or Alberti Lorca . But the mention of Miguel Hernández is significant: it is the only truly poor writer, left the village, not the bourgeoisie. The young poet of Orihuela is goatherd in his youth pastor and immortalized by the music of singer Saw, as it did with Machado. Its sad ending in the camp makes it one of the victims of civil strife, actual death of an entire cultural era unique in our cultural history. Other writers discussed: Ramón J. Sender, or Max Aub with Valverde Street. The concern about the spread of culture among the people, is evident. creates the Educational Missions , and in the Second Republic, to spread culture among neighborhoods and villages far from it.
Miguel Hernandez, Orihuela goatherd poet.
13. Ideology and Social Sciences at the juncture of the thirties. Four Metal framed
Tuñón exposed in the process of establishing the link-intellectual society. Namely:
- Fear of social subversion.
- Criticism of the "vertical invasion of the barbarians."
- I, nevertheless, to approach the village.
- A new social system. Notably
figure Wenceslao Roces, the Castilian translator of the works of Marx: Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto. Oliveira Ramos also criticized the English capitalism.
Wenceslao Roces, the translator of the works of Karl Marx into Castilian.
14. Culture and society.
Yet even divorce between the intellectual and society, he concludes that it is much more developed that bond that fifty years ago, in full day before the great tragedy and loss limit of this period.
In sum, a special book, almost text of the time, easy Documet lectural well, a book, moreover, that paved the way for the exploration of the literary and cultural movement that occupied the same period of successive political systems of Spain in entresiglos: Restauación, Cuba and Philippine wars, regime crisis, disaster colonial dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the Democratic Republic and tragic end in 1936.
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