Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Do Digimon Toys Look Like

I have not posted it on the blog, either home tournament coverage, international, online poker, etc.

As you know most or are new readers, 5 years ago started making home tournaments with Erick Cabrera, as we were going home tournaments, often repurchases are lost and there was the seriousness of the case. His depa in Miraflores, one block from Atlantic became the first headquarters of the School, and decided to call Poker School, the new school, for those who do not understand, the name was not exactly because he taught to play poker but by the domain of young players in poker at that time were Negreanu and Ivey, that for those years were still marbles, not for nothing was Kid Poker.

In those years, armed tournaments 20 people, entrance 30 soles and repurchases of 30 and 50, forming wells 1000 to 2mil suns, and organized on Saturdays only at 3.30 pm. The reason was that there were only 2 casinos with poker, the Miami and the Majestic, and then the Atlantic, where the tournament was cheaper than $ 30 or 100 soles with unlimited rebuys, and for university decided to go down the entries to 30 soles.
In these tournaments the level was high and well competivives, and if we won we had cash to go play the Atlantic, etc. It was so improved our game and we were part time poker players and students of economics, and in fact allowed us to walk with big money with tournaments that we won.

In 2009, when Eric moved to another depa, started doing tournaments at my house in San Miguel, and forming soles 3mil wells up every Saturday. For this he was already retired as a player and Eric continued playing.

In 2010 in the company of Nicolas decided to organize a little bigger tournaments in terms of numbers of people, lowering prices, to give young people the opportunity to play without investing a lot, unlike me I had to start at 100 soles tournaments double rebuy 200. Now practically wore the poker hands of all.
LAPT Playing Nicolas and I try to bring rules and structure to live tournaments School, and did not need to pay like 5mil soles or 2700 coconuts to play a good tournament.

3rd place with Eric, I am proven that what began as a hobby in college was hollow and made sense, although not reaching the awards at the LAPT 2010 and fell in Day 2 in puestp Lapt 80, 400, Erick might have precise hands at the right time and maximized.

Now in December, a pro player online, and successfully removed from the live poker (in the tournament is $ 11 and copper 8mil, he finished second), was in charge of the new administration and asked me to continue working with the school before the trip abroad by Nico.

For 2011 we expect to remain leaders in tournaments accessible and personally thank everyone who attended, and I congratulate the winners and follow their success.
has been rewarding to be a player, organizer of the poker tournaments and promoting and providing the opportunity for everyone to play poker.

Friday, October 29, 2010

How Soon Does Colyte Work

School Tournament Coverage 250K

We had a problem with the page and so far we will post updates on my blog.

118 players, and now there are 7 deleted and 17 players have already used its repurchase of $ 1k, getting the starting stack of 20k, and have the opportunity to add-on.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is It Ok To Give The Diaper Punishment

Atlantic City Day 7! Recently posted

How To Make Fake Wreaths


After seeing two dramatic events in the history of Mexico City, now make a visit to the Plaza de Tlatelolco current or Plaza of the Three Cultures. A large plaza is difficult to take a simple glance. Three cultures can be seen: the Aztec Indian (archaeological remains), the English colonial (Franciscan church of Santiago) and Mexico today mestizo (the building blocks of the Ministry of External Relations), the result of those English who were slaves intermarried with the Aztecs of yesteryear.
To continue reading and be guided best possible picture you click on the panel Explain. I could barely get it out to To read the notation. The visit is well guided by the panel and others that there is at each stop. The place is very nice and the remains are very careful in this circuit very educational. Panel

Click and read well the icons.
Great Temple.
A great temple, the remains of houses, etc., show the importance that this archaeological Aztec. They can appreciate the steps that are repeated throughout the country, those stairs witness to those unfortunates who rolled with the open chest and heartless.

One of the internal streets within the reservoir.
relatively conserved internal streets, with great styling of the masonry walls and parapets as observation points.
After visiting the remains will reach the temple of Santiago. It is very monumental, but it has great historical value. Within its walls Fray Bernardino de Sahagun wrote his History Things of New Spain, reference manual for any researcher prehispanic and colonial history of the country. Beside it was the convent, although government exclaustrated Juarez in their reform laws, similar to our minister Confiscation Mendizabal.
Church of Santiago.
At his feet the ruins.
Behind the modern blocks.

convent cloisters.

tile information.

's work.
The work of the Franciscan friar is seen as the beginning of anthropology. He devoted himself to collecting information of traditions, religion, culture and other aspects of Indian life. Its source was the oral histories that had the Indians to their service. Rome sent a copy to Fray Bernardino. Now housed in Florence, hence its other name: Florentine Codex.
Fray Bernardino de Sahagun.
born this religious Sahagún de Campos and, after studying in Salamanca and become a cleric of the Franciscan order, he emigrated to America. There was a handful of Franciscan monks had the commitment to evangelization that newly conquered Aztec empire. It was very long-lived, no less than 91 years lived between 1499 and 1590, and died in Mexico City.
A place east of Tlatelolco very nice for lovers of archeology and history in general. It is situated in a somewhat degraded, northwest of the orthogonal grid, this set of blocks from the old colonial campus and Heritage, Northern Off-Axis. Something also to the north of the Plaza de Garibaldi and near the end of the monumental and grand Paseo de la Reforma. It comes at the metro line 3, five central stations of the Zocalo.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Frigoverre Replacement

TLATELOLCO, MEXICO CITY (1 ª PART): the two massacres, 1521 and 1968

In the summer of 2010, in my walks through the beautiful city of Mexico, it cost me to get to the Plaza of Three Cultures or Plaza de Tlatelolco. Very long distances in a city of 25 million inhabitants, many other places to visit, heavy rains and difficult access, increased my desire to get there. I remember that my fifteen years in a distant September 1975, the dying regime of dictator Franco shot them several FRAP-GRAPO terrorists and ETA. International protests raged and the then president of the PRI Mexico, Luis Echeverria asked the UN's expulsion from Spain of the supranational body. He answered the newspaper ABC in reference to his responsibility in the "massacre" of Tlatelolco. In 1988 before the 20 th anniversary French May and the Prague Spring, the late journalist Peter Altars said in a radio debate that "each generation had its Tlatelolco" in alusón to the massacre. I remember very vaguely that the 68 Olympics in Mexico by the sports bags with logo and one in 1970 that World Cup soccer, the world champion Pele and Brazil. Needless to say, that no Tani PRI Mexico diplomatic relations with Spain that Tardofranquismo. In 2010 I learned that also in that place closed a page of Mexican history: she fell in the last Aztec resistance to Hernán Cortés, surrendering the last tlatoani (emperor) Cuatemoc.
try this first entry in these events as past, and a second as the archaeological walk HEREIN.

Memorial stone of those tragic events of 1968.
Click to read more

In July 1968 there were serious incidents between students and police, culminating in raids colleges and campuses in general. The monumental gate of the Colegio de San Ildefonso monumental, behind the ruins of the Templo Mayor Aztec and Zocalo Square, was destroyed by a bazooka shot. A large protest demonstration ran the great avenue of reform. A month later, in late August, the crowds of students and some workers gathered in the Zocalo, to the National Palace, with cries against the president, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz PRI and Secretary of the Interior, which would be his presidential successor : Luis Echeverria Alvarez. That same day the tanks came from the palace on the students.
In September the Mexican army occupied the great and unique facilities of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), south of the capital. All in full countdown the imminent opening of the first Olympic Games in Latin America, when the eyes of the world looked to Mexico.

Then President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Puebla, 1911-Mexico City, 1979).
in his presidency made the 1968 Olympic Games, the 1970 World Cup and the start of construction of the Metro in the capital, real solution to the mobility of millions of people everyday.

Luis Echeverria Alvarez (Mexico City, 1922)
former Secretary of Interior in October 68. In 2005 he was jailed to his alleged responsibility in the events. For his advanced age and poor health was acquitted. It was the successor to the presidency of Díaz Ordaz. That time was the end of the political credibility of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and the heirs of the revolution of 1910.
There was still a long quarter century of PRI in power as corrupt presidents Salinas de Gortari and others like Lopez Portillo, Miguel de la Madrid and Carlos Zedillo. In 2000, the PRI would be ousted from power by Vicente Fox

On 2 October came the tragedy and bloodshed. The crowd was going to disband peacefully when a helicopter flew over the square and threw a flare that was a sign of fire. Members of the Olympia Battalion snipers, fired betting strategies to mislead the military and police who were the aggressors students. The response to the crowd caused several hundred deaths. Even today no one knows exactly the number of dead real. The next day the news silenced the facts. The world looked to Mexico and was ready the arrival of athletes, tourists and journalists from around the world.
Ten days later, the symbolic October 12, President Ordaz opened the Games. Two years later, the world of 1970, of "O Rei 'Pele and the Brazilian team. Here nothing has happened.

Azteca Stadium, scene of the Mexican world.
In August 1521, after a Aztec hard and heroic resistance "to food shortages and epidemics of smallpox, the English-Tlaxcala set siege of Tenochtitlan, Pedro de Alvarado was preparing the final assault of a city in ruins, very antithesis of the magnificent city that saw the same little English before. The Tlatelolco Temilotzin Coyohuehuetzin and decide that Cuatemoc, the tlatoani or successor to the late Emperor Moctezuma, was the 13th of that month in a canoe to surrender to Hernán Cortés. The Extremadura not killed him yet, despite Cuatemoc beg me to. Died later after a storm when it was no longer "useful" to the English.
Two terrible events that appear to belie the calm current of the square, a venue with an excellent archaeological museum and well organized open-air archaeological remains outstanding and we will see at the entrance sigueintes.
Explanatory plate surrender of Tenochtitlan before the English on August 13, 1521 and the birth of today mestizo Mexico.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gerber Engraved Spoon November 2010


The strength of San Juan de Ulua dominates the skyline of Veracruz. In the same place and said we landed Juan de Grijalva in 1518 and Cortes in 1519. In that same scene was the last English resistance in Mexico (1825) and the penultimate of the wars of liberation of Latin America (Real Felipe in Callao, 1826). A very emblematic of both colonial America, ekl was that on returning in 1861 a English force under General Gasset and already in 1862, the genral Prim First and last place of English rule in Mexico today. A parallel story with the strength of Lima. This topic will discuss in this last entry in this series. The photos are enlarged with a click.

San Juan de Ulua, off Veracruz.
Evolution of strength as the information panels of the entrance to the site today and museum.
Model of San Juan de Ulua in Veracruz Naval Museum, which presents fortifications and other defenses along the country.
The visit can be guided or not, as desired. In the summer of 2010 was in full restoration to the events of the centenary of the emancipation of the next eleven years. You cover the walls, different defenses, the interior courtyard of tunnels and caves and dungeons quye served after its military use in the nineteenth century. Here was jailed Benito Juárez .
Baluates defensive reinforcement outside the fort.

Access to the fort.
After the surrender of Fort Acapulco, the proclamation of the empire of Iturbide and the birth of independent Mexico, on September 27, 1821, with the old metropolis full struggles between absolutists and liberals harassing the parenthesis in the reign of Fernando VII of 1820-23 (Liberal Triennium ), the port Veracruz was still in English hands. However, General José María Dávila peninsular was forced to leave the city on 26 October that year, 1821, seeking refuge in San Juan de Ulua.
FALL San Juan de Ulua
On October 26, 1822 Brigadier Leumaur Francis Davila replaces in command of the fort. On the 27th bombed Veracruz, which was commanded by Mexican general Santa Ana A year later, on September 21, 1823, was besieged by land enclosure. Leumaur bomb again Veracruz day 25, causing bleeding. The Mexicans understood that the only way to take San Juan was buying a navy. The acquisition was first in the U.S. and later in Britain.
early as 1825, January 28, José Coppinger Leumaur relieves. This would be the last defender of the English troops in Mexico. Given the sorry state of the besieged garrison, a English fleet arrived from Havana on November 11 to try to help the besieged. The Mexican team will come to meet and, after several hours of tense waiting face to face, the English squad decides to return to their bases. Coppinguer and strong were sentenced. The 22 of that month it was decided to surrender. An end to English rule in Mexico, three hundred and six years after the landing of Cortés.
Patio de Armas of the fortress.
Coppinger was a Creole who was born in Havana in 1773, the son of an Irish father and English mother. After following his military career, he occupied various positions in the island of Cuba before being governor of Florida, in the city of St. Augustine, between 1817 and 1820. The year 1825 defense tried unsuccessfully Square desperate. Returning to Cuba, withdrew from politics, died in his native Havana in 1888. Dungeons


internal dependencies.

a parallel story:
about the same time, in Peru, the newly emancipated once-and-great empire viceroyalty English, along with the late of New Spain, the strong Real Felipe in Callao (Lima), they wrote the last days of English rule in that bastion.
The Philip Rea stands today as a great fortress-museum in El Callao. You can also visit with a guide. It has some dependencies which explains the struggle against pirates and other episodes of the colonial era. The course exposes some tanks captured the Ecuadorians in the war in the forties of the twentieth century. Later episodes recreates Pacific War between Peru and Chile between 70 and 80 of the nineteenth century. The walled compound was built between 1747 and 1774 for best defense against attacks on file from the sea. I opened the famous viceroy Amat .
The English general Ramón Rodil, ignored the Ayacucho defeat and stubbornly uncompromising resistance. He even executing those who tried to surrender. On January 23, 1826, two months after the fall of San Juan de Ulua Mexican, Peruvian fell Real Felipe.
Ramón Rodil, was born in Galicia, in the village of Santa Maria Lugo Trobo in 1789. While studying law in Santiago de Compostela, had he joined the Battalion of the Literati against Napoleon, so called because they are composed of young students. By 1817 embarks Peru. In 1826 he returned to Spain, joining the Progressive Party of and fighting Espartero against Carlist . He died in Madrid in 1853.
CONCLUSIONS As can be seen in the entries above, the American Independence was a long process that will not end until 1898, after the war in Spain against the United States in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. In the nineteenth century in the reign of Isabel II , the daughter of the king who saw the English American emancipation, forty years later, there were some violent interventions. We saw the Pacific War with the bombing of Lima in 1866 and this action by Prim in 1862. Both interventions occurred in the two viceroyalties (New Spain and Peru), birthplace of the two major pre-Hispanic empires (Aztecs and Mayans), submitted by the two most famous conquerors Extremadura ( Pizarro and Cortes ), both stubborn English resistance to the end almost synchronous two maritime strengths on two ports emblematic of the late empire (Coppinger-Ulua in Veracruz, in November 1825 / Ramón Rodil in Lima-Callao, in January 1826), both strengths witnessed two English presence in the 60s of the XIX : the strength of general Prim and Fleet Admiral Méndez Núñez . Many similarities were from later.
reannexation OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TO SPAIN (1861-1865)
adventures do not end there the old American metropolis. In the same period 60 in the Dominican Republic today, again between 1861 and 1865 English rule. In the late seventeenth century the occdental the English island of , Haiti today, became part of France. In 1795, after the English defeat in its war against the Convention French, the island passed to French hands until 1808, when Spain regained its eastern part. Spain retained control until 1821, when of the invasion from Haiti. The experience was not satisfactory and Dominicans began their war of independence, they get in 1844. Faced with threats of new invasions of Haiti, it was decided to re-annexation to Spain. The most nationalists rebelled and, after a long guerrilla war between 1861 and 1865, achieved the expulsion of the English.
relations remain
United States in 1898 ended with the last bastions of Spain in America: Cuba and Puerto Rico. Cuba became an independent republic controlled by the United States and Puerto Rico as a commonwealth, an entity now almost in the limbo, and independent State, nor State of the Union. Are
broken relationships? No. Since the second half of the nineteenth century and settled in the new republics, the English turned to reach the New World, but as immigrants, especially in the Southern Cone of the continent. In the twentieth century, the independent Cuba continued their relationships and cultural ties with Spain, not even broken in the Franco era. Not between Spain and Mexico, both countries had to wait until the death of dictator Franco to return to their resumption.
And finally, since the 90's of last century until present, relations are still alive flows to Latin American immigrants living in Spain and continue the contact started for over 500 years and that in these years is celebrating its bicentennial independent.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can U Drink Mouthwash

Zapatista (1999) - Documentary about the EZLN

Year: 1999
Duration: 54:40
Language: English
Directors: Benjamin Eichert, Rick Rowley, Staal Sandberg.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky

Zack De La Rocha
Subcomandante Marcos

Daryl Hannah Edward James Olmos

Geronimo Pratt
Synopsis: January 1, 1994: the day the Treaty America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into force. A few minutes after midnight in Southeastern Mexico, several thousand Mayan soldiers take over half the state of Chiapas, declaring a war against global power companies, they say, rules governing Mexico. They call themselves the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). Zapatista
is the definitive look at the uprising in Chiapas. It is the story of a Mayan peasant rebellion armed with sticks, and his word against a first world military. It is the story of a global movement that has fought 175,000 federal troops to a standstill and transformed Mexican and international political culture forever.
Deposit files
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: http://depositfiles .com/files/hftktu605
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7: http:/ /

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Bed Set

The honor of injuries

SYNOPSIS is the testimony of an obsession, the passionate search for an old anarchist gunman, Emilio Felipe Sandoval, alias Doctor Muñiz (1886-1939) . Born in the suburbs of Madrid and builder by profession, his life is bound up with faith in a redemptive dream: a social revolution. At first she becomes a famous robber and a man of action and then, during the civil war in a ruthless murderer.


87 min. COUNTRY

DIRECTOR Carlos García-Alix
SCRIPT Carlos García-Alix
MUSIC Alvaro de Cardenas
PHOTO José Luis Sanz Peñalba
Punishment Documentary Documentary about what have been the 5-year-old squatted social center and self-managed Casas Viejas before the mechanisms of "fairness" of the capital began with the legal farce that led to a failed attempt to evict and that even today remains in litigation to varixs activists for crimes as absurd as an attack against property, burglary or crimes against public health unsupported by evidence or proof. Located in the neighborhood of Pumarejo (Sevilla) has established itself as a fun-policy initiative which has developed many activities for the neighborhood ever non-profit art and counterculture events with the heart. He also talks about squatting in abandoned apartment buildings in the area after a hard work of reform and humanization of space, used as housing, thus rejecting the trap of the main responsible of speculation in real estate.

Holly Willoughby Fake Nightmare

Documentary Casas Viejas, 5 years of squatting and self

Francisco Ferrer Guardia Viva Modern School is a documentary dedicated to the biography of Francisco Ferrer i Guardia the Modern School. Describes the life of the Catalan educator who founded a revolutionary school because of his educational methodology, which relied on a positivist teaching where reason, through observation and experimentation. It replaced the superstitions and the student was not subject to any authority or decision-making test. With this method, Ferrer, wanted to illustrate a society without class distinctions or sex, promoting community values \u200b\u200band solidarity. Ferrer i Guardia was executed, the Modern School-still-closed posteior its resurgence. He was born a myth, a libertarian martyr. sensitized the international public opinion about the impact of the work of Ferrer, raised his voice against the event. In 1911, a review of the process, Ferrer i Guardia was acquitted.
Many intellectuals of the time participated actively in the educational project through lectures, translations or publications by the publisher of Modern School, and soon had a major expansion.
His confrontation with the Catholic Church and the decisive attack of Mateo Morral, librarian and student at the school, ended Ferrer's dream of a free way to illustrate the backward English society, which had more than educational gaps.
His advocacy of peaceful means to achieve universal peace through a revolutionary change of society, were interpreted as a means of opposing violent agitation and attempted against church and state. was acquitted in his accusation about the backpack attack at the wedding of Alfonso XIII, but schools were closed having to continue their work from the publisher. The events of the Tragic Week in Barcelona and the treachery of the opportunist Lerroux ended the accusation without evidence, the death sentence and subsequent execution in Montjuic Ferrer become a scapegoat, tried by a military tribunal.
Both his family, like many colleagues and friends were banished and deprived of their property.
Technical Sheet:

Format: Flv

Language: English (Spain)

Quality: DVDrip

Links: 1
Weight: 108 mbs
: Google Docs
Duration: 50 minutes Source


SEE Online

Friday, September 24, 2010

Will Cervical Erosion Stop Me Getting Pregnant

Modern School

Rodolfo González Pacheco

Página/12 When the playwright Rodolfo González Pacheco, the Actors Company, was asked how he had become an anarchist, Smiley responded: "The fault is about agitators disguised as sailors and sellers of smuggled cashmere came one afternoon to the residence of my parents in the early years of this century. I was a daddy's boy, an apprentice gaucho womanizer in the ranch dances and rowdy at meetings of store. Respected by the gauchos who saw in me more than the handsome young man with a protege of the soldiers because he was the son of a rancher. Those false smugglers asked permission to stay overnight, and in accordance with our usual hospital pampa were given roast and cots for the night. The next day, when they left, one of the workmen brought me a collection of brochures outsiders had been forgotten in the warehouse, strategically distributed so that they could find after leaving ... were thought of Bakunin, Kropotkin, Pietro Gori, Malatesta. After reading them the first time I noticed that the world was more than the gins, guitars and careers cuadreras. There were people who cared about their fellow man. And my life was despicable compared with the nobility and the feelings of these people ...". , Village Children . Although for a long time these works were premiered in theaters downtown, he wrote them specifically to be presented in "boxes small theater (theaters with which all societies had resistance), created by socialists and anarchists. POSTERS (Rodolfo González Pacheco)
González Pacheco was a man acclaimed theater moved to the popular sectors with their works Wolf Brother,
The flood
born was a sower of ideas. A political orator par excellence. He was all over the country to speak. He spoke in all campaigns: the Radowitzky, the Sacco and Vanzetti, the mensu of the miners. But above all was the creator of "Signs" were boxes that were published in newspapers where anarchists and took position on the events which were unknown.
founded the weekly La Mentira
, he founded with the police Federico Gutiérrez. Germinal participated writing in New Bell in Battle . Being against the Social Law and Private Law, along with other wrestlers went to jail in Ushuaia. But undaunted, and just returned to Buenos Aires founded Free Word and
Manifesto. Shortly after The work will , although during the Tragic Week of Yrigoyen made that work was closed, along with La Protesta
. Even with the threats of jail, Pacheco created proletarian Tribune: During alvear government sentenced him to six months imprisonment for the compliments to the German Kurt Wilckens. in 1936 will go to defend the English people against Franco. And in 1943 and his works will not in unions. The strike was conducted by the Federation of Shipbuilding Workers. Below the name was in big letters, the word independent, so there was no doubt. Were based in Pedro de Mendoza 1915, in the heart of Boca. After thirteen months on strike, they fell due. But, as I said last newsletter distributed at the docks, dams and Barracks streets and La Boca, "Without flag lowered. The reason for the strike of 1956 was for better quality of life: time of six hours instead of eight, in order to devote more time to culture and family, to enjoy nature. They were defeated by the military Aramburu y Rojas. The sailors of war were the most insistent on eliminating the port every seed of social innovation. Admiral Sado Bonet and Master Captain Laplacette, Minister of Public Works and the Comptroller of the CGT, were the architects of defeat working.

The success of this animal is not allowed to discuss it. It is what it is, by his senses. Barbarize because you can, because demand is strong, stick because the others are loose. And in this moral area, ranging from bullying to the imbecility Satin rattling, brothers identified the Soviet dictator with the guild and the empire. Puppies from the same litter. But behold, where stands an anarchist is always a dictator come to the floor. A mathematician. A word to say, and the iron scaffolding dismantled and falls. Therefore, instinctively, at first instinct is to dictators that they leave and be quiet.
But this can not be partners. The world goes up for hours to a level of clarity and culture. We all want to know, explain, be aware. Anarchists were not to be down this lump of life to light. They talk, they reason, give their ideas too. Your ideas ... How some fear! And the dictator more than anyone, is fortified against them until the skin of their teeth, and is not given, nor that, for sure. And it is brave and bold and strong, usually. It could achieve a bull with one punch, run over an army with a bare chest, pick up a pump in his handkerchief with the fuse burning. But - please, damn it - that does not come to reason or explain things. Is above all his courage that.
He is a kind of action, born to tidy up all that is stirred. For who knows what divine paths, he pulled down his inspiration to organize, organize. And you, instead of walking around, chatting, which has to do is give life to make him fix it on two kicks.
Moreover, what do you want? ... Would not have said it a thousand times? ... Its mandate is transient: a sacrifice of which he is the first to want to escape. But first, let the strike succeeds, bourgeoisie or double, or the state will collect. Are already falling. No hassles! However, this is historical, all the dictators had to get them kicked, clubbed or shot from over his dictatorship. They do not want long plus once caught. I always needed to detail, a light touch of genius - eh! Oh! Ah - in his monumental work.
The dictator is a pessimistic view of the freedom of others. Does not understand more than through their profligacy. Do not think - what's going to believe, if he is not romantic, or dumb, or retarded! - That she could cure his madness to the mad.
And so, more or less, or more than less-the animal inside. Is your animal out: the dictatorship imposed. Black or white or red.

From what plasma under the cuffs to what turns on the front, everything is thinking. Thought. Worker, poet or sage, which is why you think or believe. And that's where things are going well. But then comes the other: trade or the fate of these works or creations, and here begins stupid. In this and the operator does not intervene, but the parasite, not the one who always did everything, but he has never done anything: politics. Although
say has not done nothing, perhaps a lot. Viewed from another angle, from which it is useless, it is true that a champion is thinking and doing, all that can be done against those who produce, to reduce it to nothing. Through his work champion, in any order or scheme have the man of science, neither the artist nor the worker. Do you know any one part where they tell you something? ... As do not have their sorrows, miseries and humiliations ... To organize the world only has him politically.
Is it a technician? ... No! The technique, even the crime, it is thought. Is thinking. Fulmine Shuffle or lightning, you will assemble or disassemble the machine life is hand to service brain. And my slandered, no! As this is a cripple, did not lift a finger ever. But administrative and legislative.
From the root of the earth to the top of the sky, rehenchido is the universe as a tree, these three powerful saps: science, art, work. It would seem that those who have raised their breath from so low to so high should also know how to organize the world of their physical relationships, moral and intellectual. And they do not know. He who knows is political.
Is not this stupid? ... Ah, very stupid! Stupid to make laugh.


offenders Are they good or bad? ... What does it matter that to us, guys? ... This doubt that the judge should consider, and never arises, has to be overcome for us, absorbed in the flame of passion for our vindication: they are victims.
Without falling into sentimentality against which make it illegal, we can say that they are always better than punishing them. "Tables to optimize it? ... If one could apply, should be this: the so-called offender is more humane than the caretaker, the dog unless the commissioner, the beast still less his boss and, finally, the latter never as rogue as President of the republic or the king of the kingdom.
who embodies the power, embodies the damage. Others are simple degrees, links in a chain that ends in a ring that tightens the neck fell lower. This makes the spending orgy of blood and tears in the others gorged with his miserable life shackled.
This is the victim, but not only of the pain inflicted upon the wicked, but also those "honest men" who have dishonored them all legal. This is the recantation to be singing against criminals. All Puritan anarchist although it is said, is at heart a legalitario, as any woman who is vain of his chastity soul, is basically a bourgeois. The capital of virtue, as the bourgeois, gold, is made from the misfortunes of his sisters, is this mud infectious feeding your beautiful plant, the flower of delicate purity.
The offender is stripped of his honor, the prostitute is deprived of his virtuous love. An anarchist against them can never wonder if they are good or bad, but to attract the focus of their claims against the bourgeoisie and against the bourgeois. Allocation and distribution of all, whether here in the world of crime, missing many virtues, it is because those who persecute you, and worse yet, the Puritans, envelopes, to corrupt the soul. Women
fall befada of all, if would be a table for valorizarte, we would say you are always more humane than a virgin slut like this is less than a nun, as this is never so corrupt feelings as a president or a queen. Your sap is falling in the mud that nourishes the plants. You're a stripped. Whoever touches you touches the prey. Who is man has to help erguirte against the dispossessed. In truth, we dishonor many things in us, if we honor the true justice. Without this we will never understand either the dishonored. Less legal virtues, more militant anarchist!


Democracy-in the political sense of rule by the people, aims to make the law a prime symbol. As a believer in God, wants you to believe in the law, you will live to the law and without leaving the law. Do not you reach a ...? Here are ten or a hundred, or thousand, and all straightened to submit to the law. Meets the law!
A philosophy which does not pass the law is a philosophy of servitude. What is prescribed is that the man should lose a right. At this rate, if tomorrow, as in the days of Herod, was born male illegal, would not more, than to do. Or wait for the executioner.
So we are: open only to the future the law, and their indoctrinators and applicators. Everything to them and her. And no, or fewer, truth itself, justice itself, life, in short, for what is, in itself, is affirmation and drive. The law does nothing to measure, weight, size and enacted. Meets the law!
O calls. Ask your representatives who will reform the law. Requests ... And then instead of one, you need ten or a hundred, or thousand. A full five-year plan.
Brothers, a philosophy which does not pass the law, is a philosophy of servitude. And democracy is. Stand up against the law. It violates the law! And in you the law is enforced.


The question is not achieving the sense or the knowledge of the social complex. Or keep up in politics or art, or in one or many sciences. Those are other issues. It may be elementary as a child, or just as a wild, however, want what is ultimately, always first: freedom. Be free.
The anarchist does not flow or taboo or the stupid genius. Or vote for one or vetoes it. He knows that the most helpless of light and courage in their blood also bears, sprouted grains, a golden dream: to be free. Freedom.
Freedom ... Being free ... I do not know what happens eternal and pleasant by the human heart when a slave stands to tell his tyrant Let's see freedom here! It's over and your servant, now I'm free!
Every time this happens, something stirs and crops in humanity. Skeptical old, exhausted, he feels reborn somewhere you the buttons of his youthful vigor. It is because freedom is a force wings shakes us and takes us back from all depths.
And it's good that must be conquered, just by the individual by the people. She, like life, says: Take me! Poséeme! I not only to the brave, I want to and dare.
Weak and apesebran fit. And just vegetate: a little love, a little dignity, a little grass. On these are not Reah and the fervor or the nature of the species. Are the marshy waters, without self flow, which would free man should be removed with rods, bravely.
Not to be corny. To make a point not to get caught up in politics or in art, in one or many sciences. Those are other issues. The first is to overthrow this: tyranny and the tyrant, and since it means to be free. First: freedom.

INTERVIEW TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS was the main agitator in the largest theater strike in Argentina's history. Writer, playwright and speaker. Creator of "Theater of Ideas."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do I Play Pokemon On My Computer?

Viva Rodolfo González Pacheco

Federica Montseny (Mañé Federica Montseny, Barcelona , 1905 - Toulouse, 1994) English anarchist leader, one of the most emblematic figures of the English labor movement. Federica Montseny was in addition to anarchist known at the time that goes from the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera to the Civil War (twenties and thirties of the twentieth century) a brilliant writer and speaker.
Federica Montseny.
56:02 -
a year ago "Federica Montseny" (1991) is a documentary by Pedro Gil Paradela which is part of the series "Women" directed by Silivia Arlet and produced by TVE. Is an interview with Frederica Montseny, a enrevista in which a review of his own life at all levels. It discusses the most relevant facts accompanying the documentary marked period.

Small Bugs In Wicker Furniture


The city of Veracruz is purely maritime, Atlantic, tropical and Caribbean, as well as being the true gateway to Mexico until the twentieth century, when there were no planes and transcontinental transport was by boat. For its coast appeared Cortés to conquer today's Mexico, not only the fearsome Mexican empire of the Aztecs, but the northwest and southern California, whose Gulf is also known as the Sea of \u200b\u200bCortez. Docking point of galleons arriving from Spain and Havana, was a witness of the last withdrawal of English troops in the War of Emancipation. Let's see where he landed nearly forty years after Prim

Veracruz central avenue with its name.
Prim Avenue
Veracruz Reach in the sultry summer and hyper tropical wet from the cool central highlands is a feeling of intense heat, especially for the traveler Castilian unaccustomed to such rigors of moist heat. After seeing the tourist map of the city and start the ride is mitigated this unpleasant sensation of heat by the charm of the tropical world. My first impressions of my baptism in the tropical climate in Cuba was to believe in Havana. The music with the infectious beat of the Caribbean, the exotic, many people with their guayaberas, the garment so comfortable for these latitudes, etc. No wonder at all that the poor would suffer the peninsular soldiers hostile climate and that it was necessary to start the interior in search of better conditions. Already said in the Cuban war that the top three generals were June, July and August because they were those that decimated the enemy.
Cathedral at night.

The city itself is not attractive, especially when it comes to see gems pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary architecture in the Mexican highlands. But we must be captivated. The coffees are delicious, especially after suffering the aguachirlis of the capital.
Overview of Veracruz taken at the Naval Museum.
Click to enlarge the photo, it shows the numbering of the most impportantes.

In the colonial city just is nothing left, we see the walls were demolished in the mid-nineteenth century and retains only the bastion of Santiago, now surrounded by gardens. The cathedral and some other church and houses remain as witnesses of that important city in the Viceroyalty of New Spain.
say that Cortes arriving at Easter 1519, this city was born of the True Cross. Soon, on the inhospitable and mint, the city moved twenty miles to the north, now called La Antigua, in the present state of semi-abandonment. However, the boats kept coming and in 1600 returned to its original location.
Baluarte de Santiago, a witness to the ancient fortifications, which could do little to attack the dreaded French pirate Lorencillo , when the city hit the second half of the seventeenth century.

The trip to the Anahuac plateau or plateau, to the City of Mexico, with the view of the volcanoes, it is very interesting, especially the rising landscape of the Sierra Madre Oriental, marking step different vegetation. The greenery is incredible, given the heavy tropical rains of summer. The slopes and curves are reminiscent of the English mountain passes when going from the plateau to the Cantabrian coast.
Soportales in the city center.
In the Zocalo bustle of the terraces gives a lively atmosphere.

Christ Church of the Good Journey. Not without reason the name, let us place for travelers who had to leave the peninsula, in an uncertain journey from storms and pirates.

Typical jarochos, as the mariachi of Jalisco, are the true representatives of Veracruz flavor with weekend dances in the Zocalo or main square. La Bamba tropical version, far from the versions of Richie Valens and Los Lobos in the 60 and 90 of the last century.
the evening breeze starts something and freshness. You can choose to walk along the docks or go to hear and see the "folk dance. The beach and open sea are long gone. Emotive
English immigrant monument to early twentieth century or the Republican exile of the Mexicans kept very good memories.

And for the last post we left the castle of San Juan de Ulua, a symbol of colonialism but also independence. Beyond the sea, outside and in Veracruz, where the beaches you can take the tasty shrimp, here called shrimp. The region is swampy and it is known for his hostility to the plight of European troops. Is very close to the mouth of the huge river Papaloapan very mighty, with vast areas of swamp where the mosquitoes make their great feasts of blood.

The author of the blog on the beach near Veracruz. Impress
know that Europe is behind that horizon. When you see both sides feel something special.