Friday, October 29, 2010

How Soon Does Colyte Work

School Tournament Coverage 250K

We had a problem with the page and so far we will post updates on my blog.

118 players, and now there are 7 deleted and 17 players have already used its repurchase of $ 1k, getting the starting stack of 20k, and have the opportunity to add-on.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is It Ok To Give The Diaper Punishment

Atlantic City Day 7! Recently posted

How To Make Fake Wreaths


After seeing two dramatic events in the history of Mexico City, now make a visit to the Plaza de Tlatelolco current or Plaza of the Three Cultures. A large plaza is difficult to take a simple glance. Three cultures can be seen: the Aztec Indian (archaeological remains), the English colonial (Franciscan church of Santiago) and Mexico today mestizo (the building blocks of the Ministry of External Relations), the result of those English who were slaves intermarried with the Aztecs of yesteryear.
To continue reading and be guided best possible picture you click on the panel Explain. I could barely get it out to To read the notation. The visit is well guided by the panel and others that there is at each stop. The place is very nice and the remains are very careful in this circuit very educational. Panel

Click and read well the icons.
Great Temple.
A great temple, the remains of houses, etc., show the importance that this archaeological Aztec. They can appreciate the steps that are repeated throughout the country, those stairs witness to those unfortunates who rolled with the open chest and heartless.

One of the internal streets within the reservoir.
relatively conserved internal streets, with great styling of the masonry walls and parapets as observation points.
After visiting the remains will reach the temple of Santiago. It is very monumental, but it has great historical value. Within its walls Fray Bernardino de Sahagun wrote his History Things of New Spain, reference manual for any researcher prehispanic and colonial history of the country. Beside it was the convent, although government exclaustrated Juarez in their reform laws, similar to our minister Confiscation Mendizabal.
Church of Santiago.
At his feet the ruins.
Behind the modern blocks.

convent cloisters.

tile information.

's work.
The work of the Franciscan friar is seen as the beginning of anthropology. He devoted himself to collecting information of traditions, religion, culture and other aspects of Indian life. Its source was the oral histories that had the Indians to their service. Rome sent a copy to Fray Bernardino. Now housed in Florence, hence its other name: Florentine Codex.
Fray Bernardino de Sahagun.
born this religious Sahagún de Campos and, after studying in Salamanca and become a cleric of the Franciscan order, he emigrated to America. There was a handful of Franciscan monks had the commitment to evangelization that newly conquered Aztec empire. It was very long-lived, no less than 91 years lived between 1499 and 1590, and died in Mexico City.
A place east of Tlatelolco very nice for lovers of archeology and history in general. It is situated in a somewhat degraded, northwest of the orthogonal grid, this set of blocks from the old colonial campus and Heritage, Northern Off-Axis. Something also to the north of the Plaza de Garibaldi and near the end of the monumental and grand Paseo de la Reforma. It comes at the metro line 3, five central stations of the Zocalo.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Frigoverre Replacement

TLATELOLCO, MEXICO CITY (1 ª PART): the two massacres, 1521 and 1968

In the summer of 2010, in my walks through the beautiful city of Mexico, it cost me to get to the Plaza of Three Cultures or Plaza de Tlatelolco. Very long distances in a city of 25 million inhabitants, many other places to visit, heavy rains and difficult access, increased my desire to get there. I remember that my fifteen years in a distant September 1975, the dying regime of dictator Franco shot them several FRAP-GRAPO terrorists and ETA. International protests raged and the then president of the PRI Mexico, Luis Echeverria asked the UN's expulsion from Spain of the supranational body. He answered the newspaper ABC in reference to his responsibility in the "massacre" of Tlatelolco. In 1988 before the 20 th anniversary French May and the Prague Spring, the late journalist Peter Altars said in a radio debate that "each generation had its Tlatelolco" in alusón to the massacre. I remember very vaguely that the 68 Olympics in Mexico by the sports bags with logo and one in 1970 that World Cup soccer, the world champion Pele and Brazil. Needless to say, that no Tani PRI Mexico diplomatic relations with Spain that Tardofranquismo. In 2010 I learned that also in that place closed a page of Mexican history: she fell in the last Aztec resistance to Hernán Cortés, surrendering the last tlatoani (emperor) Cuatemoc.
try this first entry in these events as past, and a second as the archaeological walk HEREIN.

Memorial stone of those tragic events of 1968.
Click to read more

In July 1968 there were serious incidents between students and police, culminating in raids colleges and campuses in general. The monumental gate of the Colegio de San Ildefonso monumental, behind the ruins of the Templo Mayor Aztec and Zocalo Square, was destroyed by a bazooka shot. A large protest demonstration ran the great avenue of reform. A month later, in late August, the crowds of students and some workers gathered in the Zocalo, to the National Palace, with cries against the president, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz PRI and Secretary of the Interior, which would be his presidential successor : Luis Echeverria Alvarez. That same day the tanks came from the palace on the students.
In September the Mexican army occupied the great and unique facilities of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), south of the capital. All in full countdown the imminent opening of the first Olympic Games in Latin America, when the eyes of the world looked to Mexico.

Then President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Puebla, 1911-Mexico City, 1979).
in his presidency made the 1968 Olympic Games, the 1970 World Cup and the start of construction of the Metro in the capital, real solution to the mobility of millions of people everyday.

Luis Echeverria Alvarez (Mexico City, 1922)
former Secretary of Interior in October 68. In 2005 he was jailed to his alleged responsibility in the events. For his advanced age and poor health was acquitted. It was the successor to the presidency of Díaz Ordaz. That time was the end of the political credibility of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and the heirs of the revolution of 1910.
There was still a long quarter century of PRI in power as corrupt presidents Salinas de Gortari and others like Lopez Portillo, Miguel de la Madrid and Carlos Zedillo. In 2000, the PRI would be ousted from power by Vicente Fox

On 2 October came the tragedy and bloodshed. The crowd was going to disband peacefully when a helicopter flew over the square and threw a flare that was a sign of fire. Members of the Olympia Battalion snipers, fired betting strategies to mislead the military and police who were the aggressors students. The response to the crowd caused several hundred deaths. Even today no one knows exactly the number of dead real. The next day the news silenced the facts. The world looked to Mexico and was ready the arrival of athletes, tourists and journalists from around the world.
Ten days later, the symbolic October 12, President Ordaz opened the Games. Two years later, the world of 1970, of "O Rei 'Pele and the Brazilian team. Here nothing has happened.

Azteca Stadium, scene of the Mexican world.
In August 1521, after a Aztec hard and heroic resistance "to food shortages and epidemics of smallpox, the English-Tlaxcala set siege of Tenochtitlan, Pedro de Alvarado was preparing the final assault of a city in ruins, very antithesis of the magnificent city that saw the same little English before. The Tlatelolco Temilotzin Coyohuehuetzin and decide that Cuatemoc, the tlatoani or successor to the late Emperor Moctezuma, was the 13th of that month in a canoe to surrender to Hernán Cortés. The Extremadura not killed him yet, despite Cuatemoc beg me to. Died later after a storm when it was no longer "useful" to the English.
Two terrible events that appear to belie the calm current of the square, a venue with an excellent archaeological museum and well organized open-air archaeological remains outstanding and we will see at the entrance sigueintes.
Explanatory plate surrender of Tenochtitlan before the English on August 13, 1521 and the birth of today mestizo Mexico.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gerber Engraved Spoon November 2010


The strength of San Juan de Ulua dominates the skyline of Veracruz. In the same place and said we landed Juan de Grijalva in 1518 and Cortes in 1519. In that same scene was the last English resistance in Mexico (1825) and the penultimate of the wars of liberation of Latin America (Real Felipe in Callao, 1826). A very emblematic of both colonial America, ekl was that on returning in 1861 a English force under General Gasset and already in 1862, the genral Prim First and last place of English rule in Mexico today. A parallel story with the strength of Lima. This topic will discuss in this last entry in this series. The photos are enlarged with a click.

San Juan de Ulua, off Veracruz.
Evolution of strength as the information panels of the entrance to the site today and museum.
Model of San Juan de Ulua in Veracruz Naval Museum, which presents fortifications and other defenses along the country.
The visit can be guided or not, as desired. In the summer of 2010 was in full restoration to the events of the centenary of the emancipation of the next eleven years. You cover the walls, different defenses, the interior courtyard of tunnels and caves and dungeons quye served after its military use in the nineteenth century. Here was jailed Benito Juárez .
Baluates defensive reinforcement outside the fort.

Access to the fort.
After the surrender of Fort Acapulco, the proclamation of the empire of Iturbide and the birth of independent Mexico, on September 27, 1821, with the old metropolis full struggles between absolutists and liberals harassing the parenthesis in the reign of Fernando VII of 1820-23 (Liberal Triennium ), the port Veracruz was still in English hands. However, General José María Dávila peninsular was forced to leave the city on 26 October that year, 1821, seeking refuge in San Juan de Ulua.
FALL San Juan de Ulua
On October 26, 1822 Brigadier Leumaur Francis Davila replaces in command of the fort. On the 27th bombed Veracruz, which was commanded by Mexican general Santa Ana A year later, on September 21, 1823, was besieged by land enclosure. Leumaur bomb again Veracruz day 25, causing bleeding. The Mexicans understood that the only way to take San Juan was buying a navy. The acquisition was first in the U.S. and later in Britain.
early as 1825, January 28, José Coppinger Leumaur relieves. This would be the last defender of the English troops in Mexico. Given the sorry state of the besieged garrison, a English fleet arrived from Havana on November 11 to try to help the besieged. The Mexican team will come to meet and, after several hours of tense waiting face to face, the English squad decides to return to their bases. Coppinguer and strong were sentenced. The 22 of that month it was decided to surrender. An end to English rule in Mexico, three hundred and six years after the landing of Cortés.
Patio de Armas of the fortress.
Coppinger was a Creole who was born in Havana in 1773, the son of an Irish father and English mother. After following his military career, he occupied various positions in the island of Cuba before being governor of Florida, in the city of St. Augustine, between 1817 and 1820. The year 1825 defense tried unsuccessfully Square desperate. Returning to Cuba, withdrew from politics, died in his native Havana in 1888. Dungeons


internal dependencies.

a parallel story:
about the same time, in Peru, the newly emancipated once-and-great empire viceroyalty English, along with the late of New Spain, the strong Real Felipe in Callao (Lima), they wrote the last days of English rule in that bastion.
The Philip Rea stands today as a great fortress-museum in El Callao. You can also visit with a guide. It has some dependencies which explains the struggle against pirates and other episodes of the colonial era. The course exposes some tanks captured the Ecuadorians in the war in the forties of the twentieth century. Later episodes recreates Pacific War between Peru and Chile between 70 and 80 of the nineteenth century. The walled compound was built between 1747 and 1774 for best defense against attacks on file from the sea. I opened the famous viceroy Amat .
The English general Ramón Rodil, ignored the Ayacucho defeat and stubbornly uncompromising resistance. He even executing those who tried to surrender. On January 23, 1826, two months after the fall of San Juan de Ulua Mexican, Peruvian fell Real Felipe.
Ramón Rodil, was born in Galicia, in the village of Santa Maria Lugo Trobo in 1789. While studying law in Santiago de Compostela, had he joined the Battalion of the Literati against Napoleon, so called because they are composed of young students. By 1817 embarks Peru. In 1826 he returned to Spain, joining the Progressive Party of and fighting Espartero against Carlist . He died in Madrid in 1853.
CONCLUSIONS As can be seen in the entries above, the American Independence was a long process that will not end until 1898, after the war in Spain against the United States in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. In the nineteenth century in the reign of Isabel II , the daughter of the king who saw the English American emancipation, forty years later, there were some violent interventions. We saw the Pacific War with the bombing of Lima in 1866 and this action by Prim in 1862. Both interventions occurred in the two viceroyalties (New Spain and Peru), birthplace of the two major pre-Hispanic empires (Aztecs and Mayans), submitted by the two most famous conquerors Extremadura ( Pizarro and Cortes ), both stubborn English resistance to the end almost synchronous two maritime strengths on two ports emblematic of the late empire (Coppinger-Ulua in Veracruz, in November 1825 / Ramón Rodil in Lima-Callao, in January 1826), both strengths witnessed two English presence in the 60s of the XIX : the strength of general Prim and Fleet Admiral Méndez Núñez . Many similarities were from later.
reannexation OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TO SPAIN (1861-1865)
adventures do not end there the old American metropolis. In the same period 60 in the Dominican Republic today, again between 1861 and 1865 English rule. In the late seventeenth century the occdental the English island of , Haiti today, became part of France. In 1795, after the English defeat in its war against the Convention French, the island passed to French hands until 1808, when Spain regained its eastern part. Spain retained control until 1821, when of the invasion from Haiti. The experience was not satisfactory and Dominicans began their war of independence, they get in 1844. Faced with threats of new invasions of Haiti, it was decided to re-annexation to Spain. The most nationalists rebelled and, after a long guerrilla war between 1861 and 1865, achieved the expulsion of the English.
relations remain
United States in 1898 ended with the last bastions of Spain in America: Cuba and Puerto Rico. Cuba became an independent republic controlled by the United States and Puerto Rico as a commonwealth, an entity now almost in the limbo, and independent State, nor State of the Union. Are
broken relationships? No. Since the second half of the nineteenth century and settled in the new republics, the English turned to reach the New World, but as immigrants, especially in the Southern Cone of the continent. In the twentieth century, the independent Cuba continued their relationships and cultural ties with Spain, not even broken in the Franco era. Not between Spain and Mexico, both countries had to wait until the death of dictator Franco to return to their resumption.
And finally, since the 90's of last century until present, relations are still alive flows to Latin American immigrants living in Spain and continue the contact started for over 500 years and that in these years is celebrating its bicentennial independent.