Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Determine A Bjd's Wig Size

is amazing how time passes, I have not played any tournament in 2011 in a casino. Perhaps even this need not feel any player who attracts you to sit at a table.

But if I played the tournament of the school and if I write this post is to resume the blog, I run out of laptop like 2 months but is already fixed.

First, is the tournament of 100 +15 with 20 thousand records to be organized, I hope it goes well, 2 years ago I did one in my house 150, and had just 20 participants, I remember that Eric took him.

This month of March are six tournaments, in order of importance would be the 20k, then the END OF Mo, Bi and 2 weekly.

I see who to invite to the end of the month, it actually has to be someone who is known in the gaming community and respected by his earnings or his charisma, or respected for his game, gains or skills, who meets those requirements?? we need to see Gonzalo


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