At this point of entries to the monograph of this war, I present here the reading guide for Episode 38 of National the fourth series of the same. support of this study. We treat the argument above all, to sum up if someone does not want to read the episode Galdós.
The argument detailed in summary, is in these images, which are read to click on them.
- Galdós attempt to approach the feel of the English people to this war that was far even bordering on indifference. At no time there is evidence of English patriotism throughout the novel.
"Very good documentation about the war. We said earlier that the same manners Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma told Don Benito Peruvian aspects.
-The narrator introduces the English people in the main progaonista: Ansúrez, taken from the deep Spain: a humble sailor working on the east coast.
"Throughout the story shows a critique of the two governments, English and Peruvian for not preventing the war. Both governments are presented as internal permanent crisis (coups, general crisis, etc).
-The emergence of Belisario, union with Mara and their son the couple are symbols of the union of both countries, apart from wars and crisis, a symbol of friendship in the future.
-geographical descriptions are excellent. Galdós was a big fan of the geography, landscapes, which portrays the near-perfection, as a good writer realiasta of his time.
-From the deepest Spain (Levante and Andalusia and Granada Loja Penibética) to the distant world (the French islands of Reunion), to Peru. "Something loose
treaty is a way to view the Peruvian scene, although it is excusable to be a time such as early twentieth century, no major advances today.
-Two similar political crisis in the novel, from the struggles between moderates and prgresistas the Peruvian Peruvian similar struggles.
"The novel, in any case, is of great quality and at contario of what is believed, one of the most interesting episodes of the series and with next to them. It is very common to read only the first series, when all are interesting. Only the last series are already more vulgar and less relevant, given his age and his fatigue and physical and intellectual decline and palpable.
"The characters, as in all episodes are combined between the fictional and historical. Consider the most important.
Ansúrez Diego, tireless worker with bad luck in life in general. Marino pushed by vocation and journey Elcano emulator that makes him witness to an episode of the nineteenth century English history.
Mara, the daughter of Ansúrez, mother of a child, a symbol of unity between the two countries.
Belisario, the protagonist of Peru. Mestizo typical Creole and indigenous family, racial and cultural symbol of independent and Republican Peru after independence.
The Chacón, the symbol of independent Peru, Creole and in this case anti-English zeal newly acquired independence. Mendaro
, another symbol of union between the two countries, living in El Callao, then you attached to your business and come to marry a Peruvian.
Among the historical characters we already know: Méndez Núñez or couple. Eduardo Iriondo is historical and presented in the novel.
is one of the few novels of the marine environment and adventure of the English narrative of those years (think they were at the height of Verne, the Conrad, etc), along with the novels of Pio Baroja wrote sea of the generation and 98 and takes over realists and naturalists (tall drivers or The Adventures of Shanti Andia).
A historical novel very good source for it.
In the next and final (and long) entry in the monograph of this war will expose the peace treaties and the concluding remarks.
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