Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can You Buy Mifeprex With


Lima dedicate this second ride to the mansions that abound and give personality to the checkerboard grid center Lima. Espliquemos some of these buildings so characteristic, both colonial and Republicans. The differences (not arrived yet to be specialist) I think it is due to the decor: the eighteenth and English baroque, more gentrified and less decorated the Republicans, since the nineteenth century. They had
generally two stories, with a hallway and one or two yards , followed by the distribution of English Andalusian house. The first courtyard, on the second floor, giving the rooms of the Lords, the chapel and dining room plus a living area of \u200b\u200bBritish influence, and / or a hall of mirrors, French influence. In the second courtyard housed the servants and the stables were located, warehouses and garages of the carriages or carriages.
The facades have a latticed windows on the ground floor , and wooden balconies on floors higher. They are a true watermark these balconies, highly decorated: remember the "horror vacui" of American decorators in sacred art and repeated in civil law.
Inside, the decor is evolving: Mudejar in the early days of conquest and foundation. Later the Baroque is imposed and now, at independence, the neoclassical , more geometrical and austere.
There are many such houses Lima par excellence. Here I could only see the ones I have drawn attention and I could shoot. Are many and as interesting, you have to be resident in Lima to know them all. Not to mention the neighborhoods outside the chessboard. Magistrate House, Aspillaga , Pilate, Aliaga (on an Indian huaca or sanctuary, the oldest of the city, still belongs to descendants of Geronimo de Aliaga Segovia , one of thirteen soldiers of Pizarro on the island of Gallo), house La Riva-Agüero , and many others that dot the street of the city. It is not possible to photograph and explore all for a foreign tourist in time to the neck.

WALK starts at the Plaza Arms, as in the previous route. We made the Conde de Superunda Street, leaving the Presidential Palace on your right. After passing the convent of Santo Domingo, arrived at the House Osambela or Oquendo (1) . Construction is a genius. Draws attention to its indigo blue color, turret-observatory, its website and, above all, the wooden balconies. Its facade is visible from the street Caylloma.

Exterior House from the street Osambela Caylloma.
Another shot.
Details of a balcony.

Main interior courtyard.

Turret-observatory to spot the port of El Callao.

Osambela Martin (Valley Larraun-Navarra, 1754 / Real Felipe in Callao, 1825). He was a wealthy merchant, banker and English businessman, who owns a shipping company. Ince watching vessels the turret visible from the street. Despite embracing the cause of independence and stay in his mansion at San Mateen genral Minister tucumano Monteagudo, persecuted by the English from the city, so he was forced to retreat to the fort of the Real Felipe, defended by the English General Rodil. He died there in 1825 by the harsh conditions of the siege, including even after the English defeat of Ayacucho in 1824. In the late nineteenth century case went to Oquendo family hands, called her name, also some guidelines turnísticas.
follow Cailloma
After we arrived at Jiron (street) Ica, which leads to the pedestrian Jiron de la Union. The plane number 2 is deleted by a mistake he told me a blogger friend Lima. We turn, turn right and take Huancavelica, to see Grau House-Museum (3) , the Marine hero Salitre war against Chile in the early 80's of XIX century, and how cruel it was against the Peruvian people.
Grau House.

Extending Huancavelica, after crossing Jiron of UNON and admire the said church of La Merced, is called Miró Quesada (name of a great journalist writing and early twentieth century .) Lampa Carabaya and crossed to flip / turn left and take Azángaro and reach the intersection with Calle de Ucayali, where we admire two beautiful and large houses, facing each other. We started the hearing of the House Goyeneche (4) , it was in time for the wealthy and business of the late seventeenth Navarra in its Peruvian branch before and after ("after" in the words of Peruvians) independence. It was built in 1770. It has a beautiful entrance flanked by two large white oblong Blacon highlighting the mansion, now housing a bank. It is of great quality, but have opposite Qeda dwarfed by the best house in Lima to my taste, like Osambela: the Torre Tagle House (5) .

House Torre Tagle.

Detail of the balcony of Torre Tagle.

This house is now headquarters of the Ministry Foreign Affairs and difficult to see inside, it has a very special and restricted hours. It was built in 1755 as treasurer of the palace of the Pacific fleet. This character of Lima and Creole gentry, was of Cantabria and faithful to the English crown in the wars of liberation but as the joints, spent or not to camp liberator. A character "weathervane" which rotates according to the winds. But his downfall came, and after becoming president of Peru, Bolívar fled over and took refuge in the Real Felipe de Rodil with his family. He died of scurvy as many of the siege there.

Goyeneche House.

Stop the street back to Azángaro from Ucayali, Huallaga and Junin crossed to rotate / turn left into the picturesque Jiron Ancash, against San Francisco. Constitutional Court found the (6) , well guarded by police. Is already a more austere Baroque building decoration, an anomaly in Lima and Latin American architecture in general. Its cover and color of its façade reminiscent of the Madrid building architect Pedro de Ribera.

Constitutional Court.

Later, following Jiron / Calle de Ancash, we reached the corner Carabaya Fishmongers old street of the colonial era, which we set aside Homeless and the Presidential Palace and get back to the Plaza de Armas, the beginning and end of our walk. Before we can go and rest in Cordano Coffee (7) , Lima authentic traditional establishment, frequented by politicians and intellectuals. The first day I seemed to be in a typical cafe in southern peninsular English. A portrait of the legendary English bullfighter Manolete monitors customers' tables. To bad waiters milk is similar to that of their Hispanic counterparts.

Entrance to Café

House Café where the Cordano.

Well there are many more houses and other interesting buildings to see in this small but intense square of native Lima. Houses that I can not remember where I took the picture. Memory fails when it runs through a city full of interesting buildings. I leave here some pictures of houses with no name or exact location on the street. Photos also beautiful. If any reader knows where let me please inform em.

hotelillo charming Anonymous in historic building near the Cordano, but not knowing exactly where to locate.

House impressed me by their appearance neo Moorish or Andalusian, Moroccan more typical of Tetuan or Tangier and the English Melilla, the American and Christian Lima. A sea of \u200b\u200bthe original building in the city where you are.
Casona A.
Casona B.

Balconada of house, I confront Santo Domingo, but not remember exactly.


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