Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lack Of Oxygen To Leg

Visiting Nika / Nika

Hello everyone, this is Christmas, cold, and I'm very happy because I've already started receiving Christmas Christmas ... I live in a new place, and I have a new friend, my best friend and called Nika, here are a photo with her so that to experience. It is a bichon maltese 10 months of age, and is a little crazy, but I really like. Lately I long to visit, even go to nursery together ... Hello to
everydogs, Already it is xmas time, is cold, and I am very happy, Because I Already Have started receiving the xmas's cards ... Now I'm living in a new city, and I have a new friend, she is my best friend and she Called Nika, here I leave a photo with her in order to know That You Can my friend. It is a bichon maltese of 10 months, and is a bit mad, But for my is the best. Lately I am going to visit her very much, we go together events to the pet-day center ...

This afternoon I will go home to put the Christmas decorations, tomorrow I will show you the photos ... going to be fun
Now, I'm going to her home, put the xmas's for decoration, tomorrow I'll put here the photos ... it is going to be fun

Here when you get home, I found some xmas cards ...
When I Came Here to my home, i found Some xmas cards ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Where Does The Series Heartland Film

visiting to long gone / Too much time missing

Hi all, I have been long gone, for personal ... removals, travel, change of city, etc ... Now I'm back for Christmas, and I hope never to disappear, because I have missed you all. At this time, there are no longer friends, as my dear friend Verdi.
Hello to everybody, I've been missing a lot of time, for personal questions ... moves, trips, Change of city, etc ... Now I've returned for Christmas, and wait Not to return to disappear, Because I Have Begun you very much of less to everydogs. In this time, There are friends Who Are Not Already, as my dear Verdi friend.
I have already started receiving Christmas cards, send mine soon.
I've been begin to Receive the Xmas card, and soon I'll send yours my card.